Report: Only two percent of social sharing takes place on Google+

Shawn Knight

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Google+ may be one of the most popular social networks around in terms of user base, but there really isn’t much content sharing going on. The latest report from Gigya reveals that only two percent of social sharing takes place on Google+ which as you can imagine, pales in comparison to the level of sharing that takes place on Facebook and other popular social destinations.

According to the report, Facebook alone is responsible for a whopping 50 percent of all social sharing. Twitter placed second with 24 percent while Pinterest finished in third with 16 percent. Even LinkedIn beat out Google+ with three percent.

gigya percent social sharing google

Broken down further, we also see that these three sites are the top sharing destinations among e-commerce and media / publishing outlets. Interestingly enough, however, Pinterest reigns supreme among e-commerce sites followed closely by Facebook.

Marketing Land points out that Google has been confronted with similar data in the past. Their explanation is that most sharing on Google+ happens privately which makes it invisible to data crawlers. That may be true for data collected from other firms but Gigya measures clicks via social tools installed on client sites.

A separate study from SearchMetric concluded that Google+ sharing would overtake Facebook sharing by 2016. That study actually compared two separate metrics: +1 clicks on Google+ against shares on Facebook. Perhaps the better comparison would have been Facebook likes to +1 clicks or Facebook shares to Google+ shares/posts.

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I actually prefer G+ over Facebook. But the big problem is that nobody wants to transfer all of their info over from Facebook. They've already settled in and gotten comfy, so they see no need to move to a different social network. It's kind of like owning a house. Sure, the house down the road is nicer, but you already have a house and everything is settled...what's the point in moving?

And some of the people I know who do have G+ only use it for the hangouts. I'm about half-and-half as far as usage between the 2 sites.
I gave G+ a shot but it's more like a sprawling forum than a social media networking (emphasis on MEDIA). The findings are correct: very little media is shared. Also, as a result I find few connections are made. Adding people to your circles because you found their posts to be interesting hardly nudges them to follow you in return.

I'm happy on Twitter.
I don't think its the amount that is being shared, I think its the quality that is being shared. Facebook sharing is poor quality and even poorer discussion about it, with G+ the quality is top tier and the discussion is lively and some of the best around.
Facebook is the young and the very old. The others capture the segment of the market that actually has real money to spend.
G+ works better locally. I have this AC company installed something then try to get away with over charges for services they he should have charged for free. Putting the CEO on the spot on G+ after a few months he finally gave him and give me additional services for free for another year.

Kept telling him put it in writing or post on G+ so all can see how your acting.. Told me he had taken great pride in his work. Well if that was the case why did you overcharge me for free service for 1 year.

Anyway you never know who reads G+.

I find most of those who are on my forums use G+ more than FB. I use both though. I looking at Pinterest and signed up today. See how that goes. I do a lot of cooking here so instead of showing what I make on FB I'll post it on the Pinterest.
Does Other cover not using social media?

If not then there is not a percentage to represent my involvement. I personally know several others that would fall into this same category.
IN is for business networking, resumes and such seems to be more like post your goods about yourself and others share what you do. I get a lot of request for me to allow them to join me. T more personal you tell the world what your doing.