Russian hackers are reportedly trying to steal coronavirus vaccine research from the the...

Why spend on the military when they already bought Trump?

Russia did not BUY Trump...he is laying the ground work for him moving to a Dacha there where there is NO extradition treaty with the US and they can never go after him for his 'crimes' while in Office or even before. They can try and convict him but they can NEVER put him in jail because he won't ever come back!!!
Does Russia only exist to cause chaos and meddle with other countries affairs. Maybe they should spend far far less on military and invest in science again and do their own research, or you know, stop being total dicks and rejoin the global community in a non-adversarial manner.

I don't think they are trying to steal information at all, I think this is misinformation.
Russia - best friends with China.
China release a bug that probably has been tested as a great biological weapon to prune the weak.
Could be that this is nature fighting back, but I love a good conspiracy theory. As most people think conspiracy means BS, and then they can just call you an ***** without actually thinking about stuff logically.
Putin may put more money into his bank account for his yachts these days, but we have all heard of those lovely weapons he has in development. Why would you need to spend money on your military when you have said weapons, and you have just weakened 2 of your supposed opponents?
America ? Did you seriously vote Trump in all on your own without the hackings of the Ruskies?
Are you admitting that most of you over there are stupid AF. If so you deserve what you get. If its the Russians, well look at how well they are doing? It's one of those situations where either answer is not good is it?
Britain taken out via Brexit. Most people voting for Brexit wanted control of our borders, and not waste so much money to other countries bills on their infrastructure, which is a problem when your own countries sucks. Whose fault? The EU? No, the British Govt spending all the money on themselves rather than their infrastructure, so bailing out of the EU would be a waste of time. Will we get our borders back for the people who are racist? No, because if you want wine and cheese from France you have to take the immigrants as part of the deal, its how trade these days works.
So what have we gained with Brexit, nothing, less than nothing, we are now weaker, the pound is down, and the Government don't seem to realise they have been had, or that they suck, promising stuff they can't afford, and more so thanks to Covid.
Now enter the 42 - 50 page Russian report as the call it. Proving that Russia have been up to so many tricks via hacks.
So my view is if they are hacking for Covid-19 research, its either a) to find out how long its going to take us to get control again, or b) to save time and money on research themselves as he has another yacht to buy.
Why would they allow this to spread everywhere? Who cares about collateral damage? Less people to deal with must be a blessing in any country, even if it hits themselves.
And they won't get much from America if Trump as I read the other day is blocking funding to research a cure. I hope that was some fake news.
And these days what is fake news, on top of fake news about fake news about reverse psychology.
How in this day and age does anyone know what the hell is going on when every government use fake news and the word conspiracy to their advantage.
