Steve Jobs reportedly told top executives that TV was a terrible business

Shawn Knight

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Much has been said about Apple’s ambitions to jump into the television market. Even the late Steve Jobs professed his desire to create a set that was easy to use – going so far as to tell biographer Walter Isaacson that he’d “finally cracked it.” But did he really mean it?

According to Yukari Iwatani Kane, former Apple beat reporter for The Wall Street Journal, the answer is no. In an excerpt from her new book, Kane describes Jobs’ final Top 100 meeting – an annual gathering of the top 100 employees, executives and managers.

During the 2010 meeting, Jobs reportedly sat in front of everyone and invited any questions, no matter how dumb or insulting they might be. He said he wanted to make everyone feel comfortable about whatever questions they had about the company.

Fresh off the heels of the iPad 2 launch, one person asked if Apple would be releasing a television next. Without missing a beat, Jobs’ answer was simple. “No.” The co-founder reportedly told those in attendance that TV is a terrible business because they don’t turn over and the margins suck. He did, however, admit that he wanted to control the living room but their existing set-top box would remain a hobby until Apple signed all of the content deals they were after.

Truer words were never spoken as, unlike smartphones that are generally replaced every two years and have great margins, televisions get replaced every eight years on average and aren’t very profitable.

But did Jobs actually mean what he said? Some top executives read between the lines a bit and interpreted the message simply as a warning not to try and think of the next big thing too quickly. And here we sit more than three years later, seemingly no closer to an Apple television than we were in 2010.

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Apple isn't interested in just making a profit, they are only into making a killing. They've got gluttonous investors, share holders and exec's to feed.
The co-founder reportedly told those in attendance that TV is a terrible business because they don’t turn over and the margins suck.
That's pretty ambiguous. Did he mean the TV business as in selling television sets (sounds like he did), or did he mean providing content through their own Smart TV? (what the guy was probably asking about). Apple is known for their software/hardware integration, we wouldn't expect an Apple TV without some terrific software providing the content. Provide the content interface and charge us for it and you'll find your margins. Require a subscription and you'll fix the turn-over problem.

On a separate note, it's nice to hear an admission from Jobs that there was a goal of product turn-over. It's always been a debate about whether the iPhone was planned to be obsolete via poor performance in new iOS versions and things like the lightning connector.
Smart move by Apple and skidmark still has something negative to say, lol.
Smart move by Apple and skidmark still has something negative to say, lol.

Yeah, but it's true. Look at what happened at the end of 2012 when the iPhone 5 came out. People were lined up around the block to get one all over the country and the stock price went DOWN like $100/share because the consensus was that the 5 wasn't cool enough. Not enough new they said.
Apple can report a killing on tablet sales and you'll see headlines like 'Analysts disappointed with Apple results.' Apple did so well for so long that now they're expected to do it all the time. People need to understand.. there will not be another iphone-like product for a while.
"During the 2010 meeting..."
"Fresh off the heels of the iPad 2 launch..."

This is nitpicking, but you guys should get your facts right. The iPad 2 launched on March 11, 2011.
Apple needs to once again change the industry paradigm with another device that'll blow everyone away.

The original iPhone changed everything, a truly groundbreaking piece of technology.

If they don't release something by 2015 it may be too late.