The 10 Most Anticipated PC Games of 2020

Julio Franco

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TBH, Cyberpunk is the only one of these I'm excited for. I'm a fan of the Watch Dogs franchise, but 2 was a bit disappointing and it looks like 3 is just the same (another copy+paste).
TBH, Cyberpunk is the only one of these I'm excited for. I'm a fan of the Watch Dogs franchise, but 2 was a bit disappointing and it looks like 3 is just the same (another copy+paste).

New watchdogs looks quite different to me in terms of the system where you die and have to move over to another character. Looks interesting to me. Think I'll give it a go.

As for Cyberpunk I'm treading on the side of caution. I was one of those people that fell into the hype of pre ordering Anthem and got burned. I know Cyberpunk's studio is supposed to be very good, but I'm just going to stay on the side of not pre ordering anything until such time as I have proof that its good.
For the first time ever in this series, Chivalry 2 is also getting massive, multi-stage battles, where players could go from burning houses and smashing gates down in one section, to slaughtering nobles or protecting peasants in another.

You can tell you didn't play the original, because that's literally what you do in team objective. Granted they are limited to 32 players, but there is an unofficial server for 64 players.
First dying light was great, hopefully sequel will be even better. My biggest concern is about atmosphere, hopefully it will not be all about "real scary enemies are people, not zombies". Also I would really like to see what's going on in dying light 2 when night falls. Good night and good luck.
The first Dying Light was great, hopefully the second one will live up its standard. I actually just got the 2016 Doom relaunch two weeks ago and have had a great time playing it. Maybe I'll consider Doom Eternal when I finish up the first one.
Any good single player PC game will instantly get my money, even though I might not have time playing them. Hopefully Ampere and Ryzen 3 launches before Cyberpunk 2077 :)
New watchdogs looks quite different to me in terms of the system where you die and have to move over to another character. Looks interesting to me. Think I'll give it a go.

As for Cyberpunk I'm treading on the side of caution. I was one of those people that fell into the hype of pre ordering Anthem and got burned. I know Cyberpunk's studio is supposed to be very good, but I'm just going to stay on the side of not pre ordering anything until such time as I have proof that its good.
you should never pre-order in the first place, every game needs to earn its praise starting from release day, no earlier. I'm ready for the new doom but since I'm a pc gamer I'll wait a day or so after release to make sure its up to snuff, I'd do the same if I snagged it for ps4, these sneaky devs have lost all trust from me.

look at 343 with halo reach on pc, reach still has audio issues, known issues and 343 is busy talking about halo ce while reach sits broken.

for some devs they dont even need to make a decent game because theyve made the money already from people buying the game like a year early. Cyberpunk will probably be phenomenal but until its released it hasnt deserved anything yet.
First dying light was great, hopefully sequel will be even better. My biggest concern is about atmosphere, hopefully it will not be all about "real scary enemies are people, not zombies". Also I would really like to see what's going on in dying light 2 when night falls. Good night and good luck.

Yeah, night time was diabolical, especially early in the game without heavy weaponry!
Cyperpunk 2077 and Bloodlines 2 are my picks.
Both games are from companies that take care of their games.
would also preorder both.
I don't know man. 12 classes, same old fantasy lore as before and already looks very dated as the art style seems grindy and very eastern.

Also no, no it won't be GotY, not even close. MMOs don't get GotY.

You are into arcade game then, not true role playing games. Pantheon is the successor to Everquest, a true MMORPG.

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