The beta patch for Oblivion

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Make sure you research the beta patch before installing it, I've heard some bad things about it. I've been playing for at least 60 hours and haven't had any issues that require a patch. When the release the final patch, I'll consider it.
I have not installed it, but i may. If it helps with the random crashes i get, it may be worth it.
Anyone complete the mainquest yet?

I'm not sure of the patches (official ones that is). They're moving in the right direction though. New quests are what I want to see. Barding for your horse is all well and good, but I've disdained the horse for the frustrations it's caused me. They always attack my horse! Bandits. The unicorn was really cool up until some incosiderate Daedroth jobbed it. Now of course I have a special place set aside for daedroth in my cold, black heart. I acctually hate them more than the Black Wood Merc Company.

I take it you've tried them CrossFire851? Do tell. Have you tried the ****** ship one?
Really can someone tell me why ****** is ****-ed out? That's a man of the bucaneer variety beginning with p.
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