Windows 2000 Error - Delayed write

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Hi All,

This is my first time of writing to this forum..hope u guys/gals can help?

I am using Windows 2000 service pack 3 on my computer at home. After a while (about 10 mins) since computer has been on.. i get the following message.

Windows Delayed Write File Error - unable to write ntlog please save file elsewhere.

I was told that it was virus that was removed incorrectly off the computer that has caused the problem, but i use AVG and that should have removed the virus anyway.

Someone else has told me that my hard disk is about to fail and to get it replaced asap..

Can someone please clarify which one is correct or give me a another solution?

Thanks for all your help in advance.

Welcome to TechSpot

There are a few possibilities here.

Is DMA enabled for that HD? If not, do so.

In your BIOS, is the HD transfer mode (on your very first BIOS-panel) set to LBA? If not, do so.

What is the size of your HD? If over 132GB, you need to partition it.

Do you use a 40-pin IDE-cable on a ATA-100 or higher HD? If so, swap it for a 80-pin cable.

Immediately install Service Pack 4 and all the W2K updates from MS, that alone may also solve your issue.

This is not a virus/spyware issue.

PS: it would help you and all of us on this forum, if you fill out the tech-specs of your PC (under "user cp" at the top)
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