Windows XP Service Pack 2 Beta preview

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Julio Franco

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Windows XP SP2 is one of the most widely-anticipated service packs from Microsoft in a long time, if not ever. Designed to address many of the security concerns in previous versions, it offers some serious changes in the firewall and Windows Update in addition to introducing some new features.

The guys over at Ars Technica have put SP2 Beta under the microscope to see what Microsoft has been up to in the nearly 1-1/2 years since SP1 was released.
Excellent read if you haven't done so already. On the outside, it looks like M$ is finally starting to get their collective act together. I'm curious to see some of the other changes in this SP. Let's hope they're ALL good and they don't tweak something enough that it screws it up. :eek:
it seems microsoft is being more serious about security with its improved firewall, locked-down outlook express, and not to mention several bug fixes and such. it seems sp2 will be a bit more annoying with its nags, but it should suit the average end user with the security improvements. i think microsoft felt pretty embarassed with its RPC exploit and all the havoc that the Blaster worm caused. hopefully something that bad won't happen again.
The page shows some nice updated security means and settings, let's hope they work properly.
Personally i wouldn't dare try this service pack, i remember how sp1 didn't recognise mywxp key and when i asked microsoft why they never replied :(
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