Components articles

Anatomy of a Graphics Card: Dissecting the Tech Behind PC Parts

Almost every desktop PC has one. They have billions of transistors, can use hundreds of watts of power, and can cost over a thousand dollars. They are masterpieces of electronic engineering and generate extremes in product loyalty and disdain... and yet the number of things they normally do can be counted one just one hand. Welcome to the world of graphics cards!

Anatomy of a Motherboard: Dissecting the Tech Behind PC Components

How well do you know the components that make up your PC? Take the humble motherboard, it sits there, quietly keeping everything running, and rarely gets the same attention as the CPU or graphics card. Motherboards are remarkably important though, so let's go all Grey's Anatomy, and dissect the motherboard – breaking down its various parts and seeing what each bit does!

Puget Systems' List of Most Reliable PC Hardware

We've all been there. You want to buy a new graphics card, you read the reviews, and settle on the best GPU within your budget. Then you have to decide from half dozen or so manufacturers that offer nearly identical hardware. But which is the most reliable? The same scenario could be applied to other components like motherboards, storage or memory. That's why when we found this annual list compiled by boutique PC manufacturer Puget Systems we asked them to reproduce it for you.