44 GPU Fortnite Benchmark: The Best Graphics Cards for Playing Battle Royale

Julio Franco

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What was the rest of the test system? If you used 16GB RAM, would the GTX 1060 3GB do that well if you used 8GB?
What was the rest of the test system? If you used 16GB RAM, would the GTX 1060 3GB do that well if you used 8GB?

32GB's was used, you could possibly see slow downs with a 3GB 1060 when using 8GB's.
Now I'm curious if there is a graphics setting that specifically affects AMD GPUs in this game (like the AA quality) or it just boils down to the game engine and Epic's rendering pipeline optimisations.
Another "green"-friendly engine.

There I fixed that for you.

Well, there's a lot of "red-friendly" engines too. idTech 6 is a big one, Glacier engine, whatever engine AOTS uses, and Frostbite engine is also one. Let's not get butthurt over some engines being more optimized for the gpu company that you're not using.

No one is, I for one use both camps. But it's no surprise for anyone that UE4 is green-friendly that's all.
I can't believe that you need a GTX1080ti to play a game like this on 4K, we're are still years away for 4k to become mainstream.
Pleased how my apparently nonfuture proof GTX 980 Ti contines to shine!
Actually, I was kind of shocked that the Titan X beats it rather handily in all resolutions, as generally it gives about the same performance - at like half the price!

Makes me slightly less angry about having 3 Titans in my rig.... But only slightly!!
More glamorizations of violence with mass shootings. Shouldn't video game makers be held accountable? How about a game where the player gets to yank babies out of wombs?
More glamorizations of violence with mass shootings. Shouldn't video game makers be held accountable? How about a game where the player gets to yank babies out of wombs?
North Korean Koders are working on that now.... Yank Womb Baby II ... by bad haircut studios ...
This part of the article was fantastic: "Older-Gen GPUs".

Many of us are hanging on to older generations of GPU due to cryptocurrency bubble and being reluctant to upgrade until the prices are reasonable. It was very nice to see GTX 580 and 680.
This article would be much better if the cards used were searchable instead of listed as a picture.

BTW, I do play this on a pretty crappy PC - a HP with a low end i5 with 8GB RAM and on-board graphics. I want to say it's an Intel HD 4500, and I think it has 2GB dedicated. I think I'm running at 480p and 30 fps. At those settings, things in the distance don't render and it makes it hard to pick up other opponents until it's too late.......but it's still a fun game.

Was looking to upgrade my rig a little bit, but it looks like RX-550 is low end.....and it's still going for $130 for 2GB and $150 for 4GB. GTX 1050 is $160 for 2GB.

Seems like a steep price to be able to play a free game........at least you can get the game on the PS4 or Xbox One.

Was hoping one of my work PCs would be decent enough to run it, but I ran it through game-debate and my graphics card is coming up at 8% (Radeon HD 6350). :(
I think I just threw up in my mouth. I just looked at prices on Amazon, New egg and now Bestbuy. Bestbuy is getting smart and raising prices. Last April or somewhere then I had a GPU that crapped out (due to power supply) and bought an AMD RX560 4GB overclocked for $130. Same card is $190!!!! ( Years after a year that same card is $60 more!!!!!!!!! Looking at benchmarks The old GPU's vs new mid range of two generations haven't advanced that much! I had an AMD 7790 2GB and paid like $150 like back in what 2012 or something and now to beat those cards after 5-6 years you need to spend like $200 to inch past it?? Maybe I had along night but WTF???????