A suggested edit to Step 3 of the 8 Step

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Posts: 128   +0
Hi all,

Some months back, the 8 Step, together with mflynn's expert guidance removed much misery from my life.

I have a suggestion, though:

Step 3 should not only instruct users to disable real time monitoring apps, but it should also say to (temporarily) set those apps so they don't automatically launch on Windows startup.

The 8 Step Instructions correctly warn that real time monitoring apps can cause problems with the 8 Step process, and in fact they did in my case--but not because I didn't disable them before scans, but because they kept launching every time I'd reboot!

I hope this suggestion helps!
I would recommend against this, simply because of the potential confusion involved in using msconfig (which is what most people will have to use). Bear in mind that a good few AV programs also have alternative launch methods to get around malware disabling their startup entries, too.
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