Any way to have a download save if it gets iterrupted?

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Posts: 12   +0
One of the problems I have downloading large files like episodes to shows and stuff is that it takes way too long and I can never actually finish the download.

My internet connection's kinda crappy and I can't keep up a connection for more than maybe 15 minutes. Sometimes I might try to download a file that takes half an hour to download and then my connection will go out for just a quick second. For some reason Firefox treats interrupted downloads as completed downloads but you really just end up with a corrupt file.

Is there any kind of download manager for Firefox or anything that will pause a download and save its place if the download is interrupted by a dropped connection and resume it once the connection comes back up? The best I can do right now is Star Downloaer which if interrupted, gives the connection 10 seconds to come back up before it drops the task completely. Is there anything else?

But i forgot the name.Go to
Internet tools.You'll find one with a resume option you can do even days later.
I'll shake my brain overnight.
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