Comma Separated Values

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Posts: 59   +0
Ok, so I have a list of email addresses in an excel file(CSV) that I want to export. However, I want to add a comma to each email address.

I also have the list in access and using the export function I can add a comma to the beginning and end of each row. However, I only want to add a comma to the end of each row. Does anyone know a way to add a comma in bulk to a list of values?
It's a single command line operation in a real operating system of course..

How about you add a column with blanks or spaces after the e-mail addresses in Excel and export to a CSV file? The separating comma will be appended.
any special character will do, *IF* it NEVER occurs an any field of the data.
One that is seldom found in text is the TAB charater, \t or 0x09
Nodsu said:
How about you add a column with blanks or spaces after the e-mail addresses in Excel and export to a CSV file? The separating comma will be appended.

Worked like a charm! Thanks so much!
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