Do you like junk food

Yes, but because of some serious health issues that are now well under control due to diet and a whole lot of exercise a ton of junk food has been permanently removed from my eating habits. I do like Wendy's salads and chili on occasion.
I work at Mcdonalds, most people would say that you get tired of the food there, but in fact I have become increasingly addicted to the food haha! I loooove the chicken nuggets
I worked at McDonald's while I was going to school. It was such a long time ago that the Big Mac was first introduced while I worked there.
I used to enjoy junk food till I saw how things were made & Wendys employees blowing their nose by plugging a nostrils UGH, . I'll go to the store & get my veggies & eat them instead. Much healthier.
In occasional doses, yes. Any consistent diet of the stuff slows me down physically, though.