Google tests cars that drive themselves

the day that my car decides to drive itself is the day i get on a motorcycle...

lol @ the computer getting infected, i can see it now "driver slams into tree after Googlemobile downloads virus with OS update" :haha:
Whats the big deal about?
cars have had auto pilot for years....or as some call it, cruise control...geeez :rolleyes:
Well red, would you get in a plane without a pilot (i.e. totally ran by computers) knowingly ?
Actually, it would be nice to have someone, or some thing, driving the car. Most of the a**holes out their are too busy texting, or running their yaps on the phone, to worry where they're going.

It does bespeak the level of incompetence of the current crop of "drivers", that we're building cars that can parallel park themselves.

Believe it or not, I learned to do it, with manual steering, not that new-fangled power BS.

Whats the big deal about?
cars have had auto pilot for years....or as some call it, cruise control...geeez :rolleyes:
The only thing that's good for, is so you can catch a b*** j** and not accidentally tramp down on the gas pedal at the "height of the festivities".
I remember someone commenting about this car 'car's which drives themselves were invented long time ago .......... they are called taxis'.

I think it was late last year, when a European car company (known for its focus on safety) tested a computer controlled braking system ........... guess what happened; during the test the car rammed into a standing truck.
I think it was late last year, when a European car company (known for its focus on safety) tested a computer controlled braking system ........... guess what happened; during the test the car rammed into a standing truck.

Yeah, that was Volvo i think.

Nobody's gunna trust a car with no driver, are they?...Hell, come to think of it, most accidents are caused by driver error, so removing the "driver" from the equation might not be a bad idea :haha: