Invalid Cd Key Medal Of Honor Pacific Assault

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i play mohpa everyday and today when i was joining a game online it kicked me off because of invalid cd key. i never give it out and i havent changed anything. i uninstalled and reinstalled mohpa but it didnt help. any ideas to why this happened??? i hvae had this game for a month and i have the original box and key, etc.

i tried changing my name, disabling antivirus and firewall, still didnt help. going to call ea games, but i dont think theyll help much. any suggestions??
I would venture to guess that someone else on there used a Key Gen and just happens to have you Key. So basiclly you would need another key
Yes this is more then likely the problem this happens a lot. The best thing to do is contact the maker of the game and see what they can do for you.
**update** sorry i forgot to update. :( i contacted ea games, and they said sometimes the keys get "corrupted in their database." whatever that means. well anyhow, they said i had to mail in upc, etc and they would send me a new key. all of a sudden the next day my old key works like a charm. hail ea! lol. thx for the help though.
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