Latest Far Cry 4 trailer features awesome gameplay set to a unique soundtrack

Shawn Knight

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Today’s game trailers typically stick to a familiar template: overload the viewer with tons of fast-paced action sequences and explosions set to a generic dubstep track and call it a day. And while the latest Far Cry 4 trailer does feature its fair share of over-the-top action and awesome explosions, it’s the background music that sets it apart from the masses.

As The Tech Report notes, the Survive Kyrat trailer is set to a cover of Gloria Gaynor’s classic tune I Will Survive, setting a different tone than most of today’s trailers. The song has been covered by a wealth of musicians and bands over the years including Diana Ross, Selena and Cake, just to name a few.

cry ubisoft gaming trailer far cry 4 game trailer

The first installment in the Far Cry franchise from Ubisoft debuted on the PC in March of 2004. Its success spawned a sequel, Far Cry 2, in 2008 followed by Far Cry 3 two years ago.

As the name suggests, Far Cry 4 will be the fourth title in the main game series although there have been a number of spin-offs as well including Far Cry Instincts and the retro-inspired Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon.

cry ubisoft gaming trailer far cry 4 game trailer

There was even a film adaptation by the same name in 2008 although most would agree that it was pretty terrible.

Far Cry 4 is set to arrive on the PC, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PlayStation 3 and PlayStation 4 on November 18. Those who pick up a copy for the PS3 or PS4 will get the added bonus of being able to invite friends to play with them over the PlayStation Network even if said friends don’t have a copy of the game.

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FC3 was fun, the wingsuit kept me coming back.
Always fun to ride a quad off the top of some crazy cliff then bail only to speed down the mountainside in the suit.
To me the Far Cry series died after the first game. Same with the Crysis series. Those two are probably my biggest video game letdowns of all time. *sniff*
Same with the FEAR series. After the first it went downhill.
Hmm.. all 3 of these games died after the first game being PC only.
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With all the Garbage Ubisoft has been pulling on their PC games lately, I just can't justify buying any more of their products.

The last 2 Splinter Cell games shipped and remained unusable in any sort of co-operative state. Watch_Dogs had it's graphics crippled to match consoles. Every single Assassin's Creed release has been clunky and prone to significant FPS drops. The latest edition is pushing 900p @ 30FPS on consoles, no word on PC.

They seem to have such utter contempt for PC games that enough is enough. They need my money, I don't need their games.
With all the Garbage Ubisoft has been pulling on their PC games lately, I just can't justify buying any more of their products.

The last 2 Splinter Cell games shipped and remained unusable in any sort of co-operative state. Watch_Dogs had it's graphics crippled to match consoles. Every single Assassin's Creed release has been clunky and prone to significant FPS drops. The latest edition is pushing 900p @ 30FPS on consoles, no word on PC.

They seem to have such utter contempt for PC games that enough is enough. They need my money, I don't need their games.
Agree, Watch Dogs is just not fun playing single on console.
FC3 was fun, the wingsuit kept me coming back.
Always fun to ride a quad off the top of some crazy cliff then bail only to speed down the mountainside in the suit.
Yet I found the wingsuit the most dreary, I avoided using it when I could but overall I enjoyed the game even though the story was pretty weak. I still play it from time to time nowadays though.
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I wonder if they're planning to annoy PC gamers again capping it at 24 fps and then further insult their intelligence by trying to bs them about great cinematics at that rate.
With all the Garbage Ubisoft has been pulling on their PC games lately, I just can't justify buying any more of their products.

The last 2 Splinter Cell games shipped and remained unusable in any sort of co-operative state. Watch_Dogs had it's graphics crippled to match consoles. Every single Assassin's Creed release has been clunky and prone to significant FPS drops. The latest edition is pushing 900p @ 30FPS on consoles, no word on PC.

They seem to have such utter contempt for PC games that enough is enough. They need my money, I don't need their games.
I agree, while I like AC series, it is always some bug, performance problem or changed gameplay, that irritates me.

NEVER pre-order anything, despite how good its trailer might seem or how good previous installments was.
To me the Far Cry series died after the first game. Same with the Crysis series. Those two are probably my biggest video game letdowns of all time. *sniff*

What was wrong with FC1?

I think he's saying FC1 was the best and the rest were rubbish.
FC1 was awesome. I bought it again recently on Steam.
I have to agree that FC2 was horrible. Clearing out a checkpoint only to return 2 minutes later and all the bandits are back again? I stopped playing the game right there and never returned to it. But FC3 was a good game, I have played it a few times.
Really doesn't look very good. Apart from the dated graphics which is obviously the norm due to consoles holding back the industry. I also wasn't impressed by the physics or lack there of. I very much enjoyed the original Far Cry, I was hoping Far Cry 4 could rekindle that fun I had long ago... oh well.

There really isn't many games I'm expecting to be good, maybe Just Cause 3 and Mirrors Edge 2... we'll see.
Pre-order now, and we'll throw in a few little tidbits that we should have put in the regular version of the game anyways......

No, thank you.