Reallocated Sector Count

So my PC has been having performance issues with it's read and write speeds of late, and all fingers right now point to HDD failure. I think the culprit is the Reallocated Sector count, but the problem is, I don't really understand it's readings

Reallocated Sector count Current - 100 Worst -100 Threshold - 50 Data - 112

HD Tune shows me a warning but Speed fan tells me it's ok

Is it really THAT bad or perhaps it's fixable? because both these softwares were recommended for Hard drive testing..and they are giving me different readings. Thanks.

There seem to be reallocated sectors. Those are bad sectors that were remapped successfully. Too many reallocated sectors could affect the HDD performance to some extent. The reason is that the drive head is forced to seek to the reserved area whenever a remap is accessed.
This could sometimes be an early sign of upcoming failure, or not - a HDD could continue working properly for a few more years. It depends however of the age of the HDD, for a new one this is not a good sign. It would be good to keep an eye on the value to see if it will increase. If it starts to increase fast, then you have a drive that is about to fail.
Thank you for your reply, the HDD was indeed failing. Luckily I was able to back up my files before it finally died. Don't know how it started to fail though. Thanks again.
Kind of moot now as I read it has failed and you've gotten or will get another HD.

Way back when - - HDs were shipped with ZERO remapped sectors and anything found by SMART was new and obviously a sign of impending problems.

Today, I've seen HDs straight from the box with 10-100 such remapped sectors - - Q.C. aint what it should be. This begs the user to get a snapshot of the SMART data for each HD as a reference for future investigations and camparisons.