Russia warns US, again: SpaceX satellites used for military purposes may become targets

Sweden take over Moscow? Yeah if they want Tsar Bomba in the face. Not going to happen. Russia is not as depleted as you think.

It takes one country to do something stupid at this point.
Russia will do nothing if NATO and US does nothing.
My post was based on hyperbole. Google it 😏
I remember how when the war started in 2022, they talked every day about nukes. "We have them, we can use them, we are dangerous and ready."
These threats are useless. They are just as useless Hitler's threats would be when he already started the war.
I need to remind here, Putin is a miserable coward. He worked for years undermining Ukraine's government for his "operation" in 2022. He named it operation instead of war for a reason. This reason. Why did his soldiers took their parade uniforms when they crossed the border? Because it was supposed to be a smooth operation where Ukrainian government would either fall or accept former prez (Pitin's puppet) who ran to Russian in 2014. They thought they will parade in Kyiv soon.
Coward did not expect war, he was hoping for a quick occupation. And now he fears, he fears west will give Ukraine much more weapons, fears he will be cut further from the trade agreements and other things.
His threats are useless because he will only take more if his threats work. Northern Kazakhstan, Baltic countries, that part of Moldova the name I do not recall.
Working nuke threats = never ending war. Then all of his buddies will get nukes too since they work so great even without using them.
First of all, the "we're only sending old, decommissioned gear" is utter rubbish. Over half the US aid to Ukraine is in the form of direct cash payments, and US military contractors are working overtime to craft brand-new munitions and weapon systems, as well as depleting our own reserves drastically.

Furthermore, the "we're weakening Russia" hype is nonsense as well. Russia's active military count today is 1.5M troops, up from 1.02M before the war, and -- for the first time in 30 years -- Russia is drastically increasing its military budget, rather than the slow decline its seen since the fall of the USSR.

Even more importantly, the Russian military in 2020 had never fought a modern war. Today, they have solid experience in fighting against US military tactics -- those we've been teaching Ukraine in joint war exercises since 2014 -- as well as priceless data on the actual capabilities of the US's latest military weapon systems.

Finally, all of this is moot in the final analysis. Russia has 2,000 tactical and op-tac nuclear weapons, and a total nuclear arsenal exceeding 7,000 warheads -- more than all the rest of the world combined. Despite what the unicorn-and-rainbow crowd believes, Russia can and will use them to defend Russian territory. And the primary purpose of annexing Donetsk and Luhansk -- which Putin long resisted throughout the decade-long Ukrainian civil war -- was to make the use of such weapons in Ukraine legal under the Russian constitution.
So does it mean we will have to give in to any maniacal figure that has nukes?!
So does it mean we will have to give in to any maniacal figure that has nukes?!
That rather depends on what that figure is demanding, now doesn't it? President Kennedy threatened thermonuclear WW3 over a demand that Soviet weapons be kept out of Cuba, an act that's generally acknowledged as one of the high points of his presidency. Russia -- both in its proposal to NATO before the war began, and during the 2022 Peace Talks -- demanded the same: that NATO bases and weapons be kept out of Ukraine.