Scientist develops virus that targets HIV: Using a virus to kill a virus

But what are the possible side effects of this? Will you lose a lot of weight, will your hair and teeth fall out? Oh wait, never mind, that's meth.

I just had a thought, could this be put out as a snortable powder? That would be just thing for gay bars and bath houses across the land. Maybe they could give it an Amyl nitrate aroma....:rolleyes: "Cure AIDS with Aunt Amy"! Catchy, is it not?
I was thinking on lines of selling 'Anti-HIV Virus Coated condoms' in gay bars, but I must say your idea seems to be much more plausible.
Indeed! With a powder, a person could hang his silver medicine jar and spoon around the neck, all the while being deliciously legal, fashionable, and non toxic to his fellow village people.

(Although Arch, I think you should "pitch" your idea to KY also)!!
I was thinking on lines of selling 'Anti-HIV Virus Coated condoms' in gay bars, but I must say your idea seems to be much more plausible.

Any old normal condom should prevent the passing on of HIV+. If it's a virus that attacks aids itself, surely direct injections or something would be the answer, no?