Scientist invents straw to instantly cure hiccups

Shawn Knight

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Staff member
Why it matters: A spoonful of peanut butter. A good scare. Breathing into a paper bag. They’re all home remedies that claim to cure hiccups, but now there’s a dedicated device that reportedly does the deed instantly and effectively.

The HiccAway is a purpose-built straw that claims to get rid of hiccups instantly. It was designed by Dr. Ali Seifi, director of the neuroscience intensive care unit at the University of Texas, to help patients recovering from neurological injuries manage hiccups (apparently hiccups are common with brain injuries).

After years of trying to simplify a method to cure the condition, Dr. Seifi came up with the HiccAway.

To use it, simply put the cap on the desired setting (child or adult) and place the straw into a glass of water that is less than half full. Then, forcibly sip from the mouthpiece and immediate swallow, in one breath. Repeat this process two to three times and voila, your hiccups should be gone.

According to Dr. Seifi, the straw generates enough pressure while sipping to lower the diaphragm and simultaneously activates the leaf-shaped flap in the throat, the epiglottis. This stimulates two key nerves, the phrenic and the vagus nerves, which are responsible for the hiccups and allows the brain to “reset” to stop the hiccups.

The HiccAway is available to order starting at $14.

What’s your go-to home remedy, and how effective would you say it is at getting rid of your hiccups?

Image credit TungCheung

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I heard that in some 3rd world countries, they have a far more effective cure for hiccups.... I believe they simply run you through with a saber.

In revolutionary France, I’m pretty sure that’s what the guillotine was invented to cure :)
What surprises me, is that fact that no noob has come blasting in bellyaching about, "I expect technical articles centering around computer technology at Techspot, not some half a**ed -bullsh!t about curing hiccups".

"Why, when I'm senior editor, heads will roll about nonsense like this". :eek:

To which I say...:p (Let's leave it at that).
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If you or a loved one, used the HiccAway device, and swallowed water that went into your lungs, causing injury or death, even if a loved one has passed, YOU may be entitled to substantial financial compensation. Our law office ONLY handles HiccAway injury claims from the 30 billion dollars set aside to settle the law offices of Dewey, Cheatem & Howe
Come on, man! Did you read the marketing on that website? "Buy, buy, buy! And there is more...".

A doctor who got bored with his job and wanted an early pension. Come on, man!
Holding my breath has never worked effectively. The only thing that did was drinking a glass of water from the opposite side of the glass (so you must lean forward and crunch your abdomen and chest) which must affect the same muscles and throat. Always works for me. This straw looks easier though its hard to imagine I will be carrying one with me when I am out. Definitely an invention that may not be convenient when you need it.
Come on, man! Did you read the marketing on that website? "Buy, buy, buy! And there is more...".

A doctor who got bored with his job and wanted an early pension. Come on, man!
This is news? There's scads of doctors willing to prostitute their craft selling all manner of food supplements, alleged prostate shrinkers, male libido enhancements, and whatnots. Hey, it beats doing colonoscopies, or routine gynecological exams on 400 pound behemoths.

And those are just the ones they haven't locked up, for writing reams of scripts for Oxycodone
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This is news? There's scads of doctors willing to prostitute their craft selling all manner of food supplements, alleged prostate shrinkers, male libido enhancements, and whatnots. Hey, it beats doing colonoscopies, or routine gynecological exams on 400 pound behemoths.

And those are just the ones they haven't locked up, for writing reams of scripts for Oxycodone
In the doctors defence, those selling food supplements and magic cures are rarely doctors of anything but titles. I haven't bothered digging in to whether this particular doctor is a real one, could be another one coming through T#### University.
I haven't bothered digging in to whether this particular doctor is a real one, could be another one coming through T#### University.
I guess he's to be excused for this faux pas then, since he has to somehow recoup the tuition stolen from him by "fraudster U".
The funniest **** ever is that the only thing that has been really tested to cure hiccups is... rectal stimulation.
I just wonder who came up with the idea of trying that.
The funniest **** ever is that the only thing that has been really tested to cure hiccups is... rectal stimulation.
I just wonder who came up with the idea of trying that.
So, you just put the straw up your backside and blow into it. What's the harm? Apparently even NFL linebackers are doing it these dayz. (y) (Y) :poop::p