Trying to repeat a VBA Macro on across each column

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I have a marco that works perfects to Concatenate (join) all of the cells in Column A. However, I want to seperately join all of the cells in each column. So I wanted to the Concatenate of Column B to go in B1, Column C to go in C1, etc (or until there is no data in a column). I think there is a way to change this into a loop, but I don't know how. Below is the macro I have now. Thank you for any help or advice. Dan

Sub ConcatenateAll()
Dim x As String, rng As Range, cel As Range
With ActiveSheet
Set rng = .Range("A1:A300")
For Each cel In rng
x = x & cel.Value
.Range("A1").Value = x
End With

End Sub
The output will need to be in some cell not part of the Concatenation.

If Concat(Ax:Ax+300) then outputs might appear at
Ax-1, Ax+301, or ANY other Column than A.

HOWEVER, such wide columns will be very hard to use.
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