Vista and Sound Problems with Current Games

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I've recently read up about Windows Vista dropping support for DirectSound3D and, in turn, hardware accelerated audio as we've come to know it. My understanding is that Vista will offer compatibility in the form of some kind of software implementation for these games, but hardware acceleration and EAX effects will no longer be supported.

Doesn't this mean that even some recent games will feature archaic sound when installed on Windows Vista? For example, would we lose 3D positional audio and other sound processing options in FEAR if we play it on Windows Vista? The only way around this seems to be a game which supports OpenAL, and that list is short.

I've actually heard little news regarding the development of sound in Windows Vista. Sure, we've heard much about the alleged improvements DirectX10 will bring, but little is known about the sound implementation. I doubt we'll actually see a drop in quality for future games in development, but what about older ones, and I daresay, some of the games that've barely been released?
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