Weekend Open Forum: Your favorite game soundtracks

I'd drive around aimlessly, just listening to the radio.

At second place comes the music to Settlers II (Yea, released in 1996, I still play it sometimes in Dosbox)
Settlers II re-released in 2006 with updated graphics. It's called 10th anniversary edition. I still have one on one matches with a good friend occasionally. Plays fine on windows 7.
Settlers II re-released in 2006 with updated graphics. It's called 10th anniversary edition. I still have one on one matches with a good friend occasionally. Plays fine on windows 7.
Yes I have played that, they also released a follow up called "Vikings" but only in German, Czech, Polish and Russian language :(
What's worse they released another remake that I think is really awsome, called The Settlers: Rise of Cultures (Die Siedler: Aufbruch der Kulturen)
But that only has German language!
Castlevania: Symphony of the Night
Legacy of Kain: Soul Reaver
Final Fantasy VI
Doom 64 (yes, DOOM 64!)
Super Mario 64
The intro song to Dragon's Dogma
The intro song to Sengoku Basara: Samurai Heroes
God of War II
The trance/techno beat for the Battle Arena where you fight hordes of Bandits in Borderlands 2
The ending theme for Mass Effect

I could go on but those are the ones that I can remember by rote without having to play the games. That's how much I like them.
Unreal & the Unreal Tournament series for PC also have awesome soundtracks :D