Nvidia Canvas is a painting application that harnesses the power of AI to help artists quickly turn simple brushstrokes into realistic landscapes. Artists can create environments for visualization, develop backgrounds for concept paintings, or just explore for fun.

Creators can use Canvas in the early stages of their creative process and move the resulting images easily into other creative tools like Adobe Photoshop to continue the creative process.

Nvidia Canvas is accelerated with tensor cores on Nvidia RTX GPUs.


Harness the Power of AI

Paint simple shapes and lines with a palette of real world materials, like grass or clouds. Then, in real-time, our revolutionary AI model fills the screen with show-stopping results. Don't like what you see? Swap a material, changing snow to grass, and watch as the entire image changes from a winter wonderland to a tropical paradise. The creative possibilities are endless.

Pick Your Palette

NVIDIA Canvas lets you customize your image so that it's exactly what you need. Canvas has nine styles that modify the look and feel of a painting and fifteen different materials ranging from sky and mountains to river and stone. Paint on different layers to keep elements separate. You can start from scratch, or get inspired by one of the sample scenes.

Workflow Ready

Once you've created your ideal image, Canvas lets you import your work into Adobe Photoshop so you can continue to refine it or combine with other artwork.

System Requirements

  • GPU: Nvidia GeForce, Quadro or TITAN RTX GPU
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Driver: 445 or later