AI feedback loop will spell death for future generative models

Alfonso Maruccia

Posts: 1,029   +302
Forward-looking: Popular Large Language Models (LLM) such as OpenAI's ChatGPT have been trained on human-made data, which still is the most abundant type of content available on the internet right now. The future, however, could hold some very nasty surprises for the reliability of LLMs trained almost exclusively on previously generated blobs of AI bits.

In the grim dark future of the internet when the global network will be filled with AI-generated data, LLMs will essentially be unable to progress further. Instead, they'll go back to their original state, forgetting previously acquired, human-made content and throwing out only garbled piles of bits for maximum unreliability and minimal credibility.

That, at least, is the idea behind a new paper featuring the AI-generated title The Curse of Recursion. A team of researchers from UK and Canada tried to speculate what the future might hold for LLMs and the internet as a whole, imagining that much of the publicly available content (text, graphics) will eventually be contributed almost exclusively by generative AI services and algorithms.

When no human writer – or very few of them – will be on the internet, the paper explains, the internet will fold onto itself. The researchers found that use of "model-generated content in training" causes "irreversible defects" in the resulting models. When original, human-made content disappears, an AI model like ChatGPT experiences a phenomenon the study describes as "Model Collapse."

Just as we've "strewn the oceans with plastic trash and filled the atmosphere with carbon dioxide," one of the paper's (human) authors explained on a human-made blog, we're now about to fill the internet with "blah." Effectively training new LLMs or improved versions of existing models (like GPT-7 or 8) will become increasingly harder, giving a substantial advantage to companies which already scraped the web before, or can control access to "human interfaces at scale."

Some corporations have already started to prepare for this AI-driven corruption of the internet, bringing down the servers of the Internet Archive during a massive, unrequested and essentially malicious in nature training "exercise" through Amazon AWS.

Like a JPEG image recompressed too many times, the internet of the AI-driven future is seemingly destined to turn into a giant pile of worthless digital white noise. To avoid the AI apocalypse, researchers are suggesting some potential remediations.

Besides retaining original, human-made training data to also train future models, AI companies could make sure that minority groups and less popular data are still a thing. This is a non-trivial solution, the researchers said, and one that requires a lot of work. What's clear, though, is that Model Collapse is an issue of machine learning algorithms that cannot be neglected if we want to keep improving current AI models.

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LOL, I predicted this months ago, I'll have to go back through my comment history and find it. Of course this was going to be the case. AI errors will only add up if you feedback its own outputs. AI needs a continuous stream of human creativity to mimic human creativity, but it is not creative at all. AI has no clue what it is trying to accomplish, it is simply algorithms, not intelligence.
LOL, I predicted this months ago, I'll have to go back through my comment history and find it. Of course this was going to be the case. AI errors will only add up if you feedback its own outputs. AI needs a continuous stream of human creativity to mimic human creativity, but it is not creative at all. AI has no clue what it is trying to accomplish, it is simply algorithms, not intelligence.
Same here. When ChatGPT first become a thing on TechSpot this was literally my main comment. Cool tech, until it attempts to learn from itself. It will be interesting how companies manage this "positive" feedback problem so their models don't go unstable. Nothing like an unstable AI to cause world-wide chaos or the end of humanity ;)
When considering that some AI content even with today's LLMs is already :poop:, this is no surprise.

To paraphrase - :poop: in :poop: out.

EDIT: Leave it to humans to take something that is not broken and attempt to fix it. 🤣
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I think this has already happened to many members of the human race after being trained on social media.
AI is working great for what it's currently used for which is mainly advamced pattern recognition, sometimes beyond human capabilities. Generative AI, where computers try to pretend to be humans, needs a lot of work but may be able to handle some menial type tasks with revision and supervision.
LOL, I predicted this months ago, I'll have to go back through my comment history and find it. Of course this was going to be the case. AI errors will only add up if you feedback its own outputs. AI needs a continuous stream of human creativity to mimic human creativity, but it is not creative at all. AI has no clue what it is trying to accomplish, it is simply algorithms, not intelligence.
That's becvause it's not AI. It's VI.
I think Mass Effect's wiki explains it the best:
Funny when a game can have a more detailed explanation about a topic.

What we have now is VI. We are far away from AI.