Alienware m17x frequent BSOD


I purchased an Alienware m17x this past June and have loved every minute of using it! Recently, however, I have been experiencing quite the frequent amount of BSODs... Just about every other day. My computer has not slowed down at all and I have run several virus scans to ensure that it is clean. Is this typical of Alienware computers? What is this an indicator of? How do I go about fixing this problem?

Thank you in advance for your help.

P.S. I don't know how to upload zip files with information from BlueScreenView... but here are the BCCodes:

10/12/2011 0x000000d1
10/09/2011 0x000000d1
10/06/2011 0x000000ce
10/01/2011 0x000000d1
09/24/2011 0x000000d1

I hope that helps! Thanks again.
Windows 7. Also, I'm not very tech. savy and I don't know what that means... Could you explain what it means and how I go about doing it? Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.
i am having loads of problems with mine even its 1 month old i will tell you what to do get a cam make a video crashing your laptop then show it on youtube and for sure never ever buy any thing from them this laptop is not for gaming and its for nothing its a fail machine
Windows 7. Also, I'm not very tech. savy and I don't know what that means... Could you explain what it means and how I go about doing it? Thank you for your help. I really appreciate it.

You have to go to and under support click drivers.
Choose the information that matches your system and then you should be able to see some of the drivers available for download.

I'm not sure if the BIOS Driver is in there, or you may call them directly for assistance.

Try updating the graphic card drivers as well.
Thanks for the advice! I went to the site and updated the drivers. I believe I may have installed some drivers that are only applicable to graphics cards other than mine... I have Radeon HD 6970M. For some reason, before I installed the drivers, I had a 7.0 graphics rating. After I installed the drivers, it dropped to a 6.3. How do I interpret this? What does this mean practically? Is there a way I can improve back to 7.0? Thank you again for your help.