Dell W8 won't boot to desktop

If the computer is not posting to the bios. I doubt a restore disk will help. There maybe a little more wrong with it.
Like I said if it is not at least booting to the bios. A restore disk will not help. From what you have posted. I think it may have a bad PSU. Is this a laptop or Computer?
Ok, The owner may have to have it looked at. If it is not powering up at all. I doubt very much a restore disk will help.
Ok, I'll tell him that. I was just telling him he might have to buy a new harddrive/OS & let Dell install it.
If by chance the computer is still under warranty. He maybe better off letting them . Take care of it.
I pulled it out , it is a USB but not what I was hoping it was :(. I was "hoping" it would be a reset buttom :( bummer.
The owner plans on getting it running later this month. :)
Anybody have a ball park figure as to how much it'll cost to have the harddrive/OS installed? The opner is curious. :)
I would pay for shipping back... What OS was it running? I don't do XP any longer
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