
Hi my PC got infected with trojan malware. The malware can steal password and can download files. Does this mean they see my messages which is my viber is synced in the infected PC
If you are infected...anything goes. Any security expert would tell you: You have no choice, but to backup your data, wipe your system and reinstall fresh. Be aware ...some infections can even survive that process be hiding in the computer's firmware. If you really want to be sure you would reflash your EFI/BIOS and replace the drive(s) in your machine. Setting aside the drive(s) also has the benefit of being able to go back and get any data you missed.

Once you rebuild create a 2nd account with Admin status (make a different password) and lower the rights of the first account down to 'Limited' level. That could save you from the majority of future infections right there. Only install the software you need/know & trust. Remove everything else including apps you don't use.

There is lots to say on this topic but that should give you a good start to staying cleaner....longer.