My dell laptop Screen wont turn on

Dell Studio 1558 (i5 2nd Gen, 4GB, 500Gb, 1Gb Graphic)

My laptop screen suddenly shows some small color boxes and goes black but laptop still on.

when I restart, screen shows nothing but Hard disk, CPU fan are running normally.

than I tried this:

1. Power off the computer.
2. Press and hold the "D" key on the keyboard and then press the power button and wait for the computer to start.
I just heard only loud beep sound continuously, but screen remain black.

than I tried this:

1) Unplug the power cord --> Remove the battery --> Hold the power button for

60 seconds --> Connect the power supply then try to switch ON the laptop

and It Worked and laptop start normally.

but after 2-3 minutes, it happen again screen gone black(it shows small color boxes and go black)
than I tried above method once again but this time It's not working.....!

Than I connect the laptop to the external monitor and start, It shows nothing on it. First 10 sec monitor run like working mode(green light) then it goes to offline mode(orange light).

It's like something is resist in laptop to startup.

I don't know what's happening.

Please help.

Mod note: Please do not spam the boards with posts of the same problem. One time in the appropriate forum is sufficient. Thanks.
Sounds like the graphics processor on your laptop is on the way out, if even an external monitor didn't work.

Does BIOS work? F12/DELETE when booting up to get in.
Sounds like the graphics processor on your laptop is on the way out, if even an external monitor didn't work.

Does BIOS work? F12/DELETE when booting up to get in.

It didn't show anything when I press F12/DELETE, but when I run dell display Diagnosis it nothing shows but it gives a continuously beep sound like it gave before when screen work. and also take y/n command to stop beep sound.