My dvd drive wont work!

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My dvd drive has gone crazy since i installed my

surround sound speakers. i put a dvd in the drive

and it wouldn't play. I thought, " OK ,then I'm gonna

reinstall the DVD player." Then i have a prob installing

it. i tried halo, half-life ,music, etc. and still wont

work. i used a old dvd drive and tried music. i dont

hear anything and it lags a lot. "not common for a

athlon 64. tried games and it freeezes. i checked the ide cables and still wont

work. i think its a mother board prob. plz help
What changed when you installed your speakers? Did you do anything other than plug them into the sound card?

Not likely, but it could be a power issue if your speakers have a high wattage amp. Try unplugging the power from the speakers and see if the issue remains.
i tried it...

I also install an lcd by dvi but, i think its not a prob. ive 480 watts but, I removed the surround sound and put back my 2 speakers with subwoofer. the dvd doesnt work still. it's something like if u break it, it cant be undone. im guessing it might be the audio jack from the motherboard to the dvd drive has some thing to do with the prob...
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