Opera's 'Reborn 3' update brings a refreshed UI and a 'photography-inspired' dark mode


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Though it's never been quite as popular as Google Chrome, Opera is a solid browser for anyone who wants a more feature-rich (and arguably private) web surfing experience.

Opera is relatively fast, and it receives handy new updates at a regular pace. However, in terms of aesthetics, it hasn't evolved all that much as of late.

For better or worse, that's changing today. Starting now, Opera will be rolling out version 59 of the browser, codenamed "R3" (Reborn 3), to developers. This update's primary feature is a tweaked user interface, which focuses heavily on minimalism (without compromising on functionality or stripping features).

Active browser tabs now stand out much more, while other tabs fade into the background until you select them. Additionally, accessing useful tools like EasySetup and Snapshot is easier than ever - the former, for example, has been moved from Opera's start page to the browser's toolbar.

Opera's formerly Android-exclusive Crypto Wallet feature will also be making its way to desktops with R3, though you'll still need the Android app to complete the initial pairing.

Although R3's current release is technically intended for developers, there's nothing stopping you from downloading it for yourself. If you'd prefer to wait for a more polished version of R3, it should be launching as a true browser update sometime in March.

Permalink to story.

I tried 'the new Opera' a while back and found myself being very disappointed. Luckily I found "Vivaldi", which has become 'the new Opera' for me and many others now. The developers seem to listen to their user base. Bugs are usually fixed quickly, updates are automated even on Windows and new features (as per request) get implemented in record speed. :)
I was an Opera user for a few years once. That is before Opera switched and started using Chromium. Sadly the only site I had issues with the older version aging was Techspot. That forced me to switch browsers. I however wasn't going to use anything Google related.

And sadly yet again, the end of this story may see me using Android. That is with Windows Mobile reaching end of support, and my even stronger hatred for anything Apple.

I'm not happy with any of those three options. I am happy with Firefox.

xxLCxx - Your submission regarding Vivaldi sounds intriguing.
OK people here you have it straight from xxLCxx

in·trigu·ing - arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.

Vivaldi in not intriguing. Don't bother wasting your time checking it out.
OK people here you have it straight from xxLCxx

in·trigu·ing - arousing one's curiosity or interest; fascinating.

Vivaldi in not intriguing. Don't bother wasting your time checking it out.
This is because I'm not a native English speaker and the word 'intriguing' comes from Latin, where it has a strong negative connotation (scheming). If you say that something sounds 'intriguing' to a Latino, they will likely translate it as 'disturbing, odd or fishy'.
It's a bit like the 'billion', which is only a milliard. Somehow it's meaning got screwed up over time in the English language, which is why it's "intriguing" to many non-native speakers in the traditional sense. ;-)
This is because I'm not a native English speaker and the word 'intriguing' comes from Latin, where it has a strong negative connotation (scheming). If you say that something sounds 'intriguing' to a Latino, they will likely translate it as 'disturbing, odd or fishy'.
It's a bit like the 'billion', which is only a milliard. Somehow it's meaning got screwed up over time in the English language, which is why it's "intriguing" to many non-native speakers in the traditional sense. ;-)
Yeah well, we managed to make left, "sinister" in Latin, mean " sneaky evil" in English, so there...We're a willful bunch...:p

It's mostly the Roman Catholic Church's fault. Ever since Constantine bought into their nonsense, language hasn't been the quite same. Which is why "Lucifer", "bringer of light" is now the devil.

But, a lot of it's your fault as well. English was doing fine as a Germanic tongue, and you guys had to well, "romanticize it". by way of invasion, which you have to admit is, well, rude.

The concept of "right", ("Dexter" in Latin, as in "Oculus Dexter" or right eye" in medical parlance), becoming "good" in English is why the TV series "Dexter", about a serial killer who only slaughtered evil criminals, was so whimsical to me,

I often wonder how many English speakers, that intentional titular irony eluded.
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If you say that something sounds 'intriguing' to a Latino, they will likely translate it as 'disturbing, odd or fishy'.
That wasn't my meaning. I wasn't aware it could be taken that way. Anyway I think we are on the same page now. You certainly had me confused with your come back though.
@xxLCxx "Intriguing" in English simply means "arousing interest". As I said earlier, we pretty much use "sinister" for the meaning you attach to "intrigue". Although, there is a subtle difference in connotation between "intrigue" and "intriguing", with "intrigue", having the more negative of the two. But "Intriguing", is more of a synonym for "fascinating", a normally innocuous adjective.

If you want to indicate truly evil intent in English, "Machiavellian", is your ticket to that implication.
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.. But, a lot of it's your fault as well. English was doing fine as a Germanic tongue, and you guys had to well, "romanticize it". by way of invasion, which you have to admit is, well, rude. ...
I’m afraid, it was "the old monarchy" that brought you most of those words. Back in the days, English and French monarchs used to conquer each other all the time, both in bed and on the field:
"After William the Conqueror ascended the English throne in 1066, Norman French became the language of the English nobility for two centuries. During this period, the English language was strongly influenced by French, but French was also influenced by Norman, as evidenced by words such as crevette, quai and the points of the compass sud, nord, etc."
I’m afraid, it was "the old monarchy" that brought you most of those words. Back in the days, English and French monarchs used to conquer each other all the time, both in bed and on the field:... [ ]..
Sort of, but not entirely. French, in and of itself, is a "Romance language", and English contains about 25% words of Latin origin. Rome, after all, did rule "Gaul" and Britain, until Attila put an end to that around about 476 AD.

Although I do take your point about the days of the week, with "Miercoles" having absolutely nothing to do with "Wednesday".

German days of the week:

Tuesday ........Dienstag
Wednesday ...Mittwoch
Thursday ..Donnerstag
Friday ..............Freitag
Saturday ........Samstag

Notice the fairly consistent "day" for "tag" substitution.

I can speak a little bit of Spanish, but I'm afraid I'll never get used to those damned "cart before the horse" pronouns. But I expect a Spanish speaker would feel the same way about our, "backwards noun and adjective configuration".

(I smuggled "configuration" into that rant, so I could at least pretend I was talking about computers). :)
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Sort of, but not entirely. French, in and of itself, is a "Romance language", and English contains about 25% words of Latin origin. Rome, after all, did rule "Gaul" and Britain, until Attila put an end to that around about 476 AD.
Keep in mind that after the Romans left Britain Germanic tribes, such as the Angles, Saxons and Jutes, successfully invaded England. As you may know the word English is derived from the Angles and thus English is considered a Germanic language, albeit heavily influenced by the Norman French (who were themselves Germanic Norsemen before becoming "Latinized" into French). I don't count modern scientific Latin nomenclature as part of Norman influence though. The native Celts who were absorbed or displaced also contributed to the English language. Although I could be wrong, I guess what I'm saying is that I believe Latin contributions to the English language came mostly from the Normans rather than the Romans themselves.
You can follow that back to the Stone Age, if you like. Of course, French is ultimately just "a Latin dialect". What I meant, is that the English didn't pick up much from the "original source", whereas they took in a lot via 3rd party influence (mostly French).
@mailpup @xxLCxx How about if we ignore the origins, and discuss the net result? As much as, or possibly more so than French, Spanish is taken almost directly from Latin. For example, "et tu Brute", ( and you Brutus), becomes "y Tu Brute". Note that the familiar form of "you" remains unchanged in modern Spanish, (yes and in French as well). Although who knows where the Spanish came up with "usted" for out formal "you". I will concede our "you", is much more likely to have come from the French "vous".

Mailpup, I'm going to touch on scientific naming conventions briefly, to clarify the fact a great many of them come from Greek as well as Latin. Particularly "odont" (tooth), and "ceres" (horned).

OTOH Sequoia sempervirens "always green", is directly from Latin (That's the California redwood). It's a shame we've cut so many of therm down for decks and lawn furniture). Hey "verdant" that's a word about green in English, right?

Most all of our, "tion" (shun) ending words are almost verbatim on Spanish but spelled with a "cion" (cee-ohn), in Spanish.

American English has inherited a great deal of Spanish from our acquisition of Spanish territory, (much of the south west), from the Spanish American war. (Which is why I believe the Mexicans are trying to take that land back, one overcrowded apartment at a time, via immigration, legal or otherwise).

Hence we have "Yellow Texas", (Amarillo), and the state of "Snowed" (Nevada).

An interesting thing is when you run into Asian symbolic written languages, you can't go wrong using the Spanish vowel sounds for pronunciation. And yes, "pronunciar" is "to pronounce" in Spanish.

Anyway, I found this cute page on the German days of the week and their origins: https://www.fluentin3months.com/german-days-of-the-week/

And this one on the Latin months of the year:

Strangely, our days of the week come from the German, while the months of the year come from the Latin.

It just goes to show you, how much of a hybridized language and culture English truly is.

I'm sticking with my original theory that "English" isn't called "English" because of the "Angles", IMO, it's called "English", because of the endless repetition of the progressive tense of its verbs, which do nothing but "ing" constantly. You know, "thinking, drooling, eating, farting", et al.:laughing:

I also want to know why we have a "moon", but no "moonar eclipses". :confused: Jus' kidding..;)

@xxLCxx Here's one of "the old monarchy's" most fascinating, (or possibly "intriguing" by your definition), stories: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eleanor_of_Aquitaine

A part of her story was made into a movie, "The Lion in Winter" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Lion_in_Winter_(1968_film

Our PBS network (Public Broadcasting) used to run this constantly during their frequent fund raising campaigns back in the day.
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The Greek words are usually words the Romans picked up as well. Hence, you got them through Latin – or (more likely) –a 3rd party.

The German weekdays are simple:
Montag => “Mond-Tag” == moon day (Note: this is the 1st day of the week)
Dienstag => is named after the God/planet Mars, in old German “Tyr” or “Tiu”.
Mittwoch => mid-week (not that exciting, eh;-)
Donnerstag => “Thor” or “Donnar”
Freitag => “Freya”
Samstag => “Sabbat” (remember, there used to be Jews here)
Sonntag => day of the sun (used to be the 1st of the week not so long ago)

You can push this through Google-Translate for an explanation of their origin:
@xxLCxx But Dude, that's all on the single page link I provided: https://www.fluentin3months.com/german-days-of-the-week/ in my post #17.
The Greek words are usually words the Romans picked up as well. Hence, you got them through Latin – or (more likely) –a 3rd party.
It's just a supposition on my part, but I'm thinking there was little to no 3rd party involved in the Latin assimilation of the Greek language, since Rome annexed Greece, just a bit after "Greece's golden era":


Samstag => “Sabbat” (remember, there used to be Jews here)
There likely are still a few, although Hitler did thin out the herd quite a bit. <(That's not intended to be disrespectful. It's simply what happened)
Yes, the Jewish Sabbath still is Saturday
Sonntag => day of the sun (used to be the 1st of the week not so long ago)
I'm confused here. Since when is Sunday NOT the first day of the week? Monday does start the work week, but Sunday is still the first day of the week. Although I'll grant you, Apple is arrogant enough to have changed that for their iWatch and then attempted to apply for a patent on their version of a calendar.

But the paper calendars we old people use, (at least in the US), still do claim Sunday is the first day of the week.

"Weekend" is an informal term which fuses the two Sabbath days, Saturday the Jewish, and Sunday the Christian.
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Not in Germany or other parts of Europe. In Italian:
"Nel nostro linguaggio (in Europa), consideriamo primo giorno della settimana il lunedì."

"In our language (in [all of] Europe) we consider Monday the first day of the week."
I found a site which will show you a calendar for just about any country on earth:

The quick synopsis is the entirety of North & South America, along with Australia still hold Sunday as the first day of the week


However, Great Britain does use Monday as the 1st day of the week:


Ostensibly, this might have been part of their requirements to join the EU

China's weeks align with the EU, while Japan's align with the US. (Those two never did play well together)
It makes more sense. In many European countries, the weekend is off. In Germany, for instance, you can't get anything on a Sunday. The shops are closed. We all have a term for "end of week" (weekend). It's only consequent that the week ends when you get free and restarts, when this ends. On Monday, work starts again. Makes more sense this way. :)