Weekend Open Forum: What is your current screensaver?

No screen saver, the monitor goes into low power mode after 15 minutes and I don't bother with wallpapers either, just a black background and the only icon on my screen is the recycle bin... apart from the taskbar. That's more info that anyone, including myself, cares about.
Screensaver was developed for CRTs. Our CRTs are on the dumpsite now. They were huge heater. Don't need screensaver anymore. One of my coworker uses screensaver to show her family pictures.
Not very nice to call her a coworker even if you think she's an old cow.
Well, @Cal Jeffrey, considering all the finger "swiping" going on, that prank blue screen looks more like a crash course in "getting to 3rd base under the clothes", than it does a method to restore a computer. :D
I haven't used one for many years. Just recently I set my display to turn off after 10 minutes but I still manually turn the monitor off when I'm going somwhere. That's about it.
I use a screensavers. At work I have it set to display a screen cap of the last spreadsheet I was working on so that anyone walking by while I'm on a smoke break can't see that I'm actually screwing off playing a game or diddling facebook. At home I have some trippy psychedelic stuff kind of like the picture at the top of this post, but animated. I almost never see it though because I have it set to start at like 10 minutes or something and usually if I'm going to be away for that long it means I'm done so I put it to sleep.
I wish the "Bubbles" screen saver worked correctly, I liked it the best. Otherwise I use the My Pictures folder since I have thousands of pictures I've taken in the past few years. Mystery & Ribbons are other favorites.
Once upon a time I had a GREAT Matrix screen saver, but upgrades, etc. whipped out so now I don't bother with one. Since there is no longer the problem with "burn in" on these flat screen monitors I just don't bother ....
No screensaver. My screen turns off after 15 minutes of inactivity. (Laptop 5 minutes when on battery power)

Screensavers are a relic from the CRT monitor days when images could be burnt in on the monitor. Today they only gunk up the computer.

Why at all have an image on the monitor when you're not using it. That's equivalent to having your tv turned on but not watching anyting..

Imho thats just a waste of energy.
Even LCD's, at least older ones will suffer with burn-in.
Haven't used one since I switched to LCD/LED monitors. I just "blank" the screen after a few minutes.
My screensaver is composed of the hottest sexiest *****s on the internet. About over 1000 rotate one after the next. Its like 10 times playboy mansion
You did not just ask the people of internet what their screensaver is?!
I know what you mean, rookie. After all, your screen saver allows them to profile you, plus your tastes and interests. Then it's off to the dark web with your info for sale, to god knows what clandestine, nefarious entity...:eek:

The only way to protect yourself is to buy Amazon's "Alexa" device, who will protect your privacy at all costs.;

"Alexa, order me 3 more anti-malware suites, money is no object"! Now see, don't you feel safer with Amazon keeping a watchful ear on you? Then too, surely you must realize "Alexa" is quite fond of you. :blush:
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I have a free monitor off program that I use instead of windows power management. I can shut them off when I walk away, with a 3 finger salute of my choosing.