Simply Check to add items to Right-Click Menus and press Apply. To remove the items, uncheck the box and click Apply. The menus also add's icons next to available Menu Options. Some however, do not support this feature.

Upon first run the application will generate a Backup of the Registry HKEYCLASSESROOT and HKEYCURRENTUSER which can be restored using the application at any time if you have a problem or won't to return to default before the application was run.

Right-Click Extender is designed for Windows 7, but should work with Windows Vista as well. While not designed for Windows XP some features will work with XP as well, but if you try it and you don't find the feature added, this is due to certain features not being available for XP.

What's New:

Right-Click Extender v2 adds many new options from the previous version . V2 also allows you to add each item to the Hidden menu that is viewable by hitting Shift+Click. Under Settings you have the option to create a Backup of Registry (Backup only Backups sections of Registry that the application will make changes to) or Creating a System Restore Point before making changes . You can optionally Restore the Backup and open System Restore Point to Rollback Changes.