This ZIP file includes Drivers for Hercules Prophetview Series LCD Monitors:
Hercules Prophetview 720
Hercules Prophetview 920
Hercules Prophetview 920DVI
Hercules Prophetview 920 Pro
Hercules Prophetview 920 Pro DVI
Hercules Prophetview II 191 Blk

Download the zip file and unzip the files in a temporary folder ("C:Prophetview" for example).

Create a central location for all your downloads
1. Right-Click your DESKTOP and select "NEW" and then "FOLDER"
2. Name the folder "Hercules Downloads"
3. Click on the hyperlink
4. A "File Download" dialogue box will appear
5. Select the "SAVE" button
6. A "Save As" window should appear
7. Browse to the folder you created
8. Select the "SAVE" button
9. Unzip the files, then open the file Readme.txt to proceed with the installation .