Wolfenstein: Youngblood Review

Julio Franco

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First it was Far Cry 5: New Dawn and now Borderlands.

They keep ruining these games by trying to make them like Borderlands.
Now that the first patch has fixed the random crashing for me, it's turning out to be quite enjoyable nonsense.
Sadly none of my friends wants to give it a try and play coop.
Everything is much more fun in a coop, even mediocre games.
"The game has always been positioned as a cooperative experience meant for two players. It’s a co-op shooter. To criticize it for not being something other than that is unreasonable."
For new games sure, but it's not so clear cut in the context of an established franchise. Too many times we keep seeing cheap & nasty cash-ins of formerly great single-player franchises. "People shouldn't criticise Deus Ex: The Fall for not being a proper Deus Ex game. The game has always been positioned as a 'mobilized' experience". Then how about don't abuse franchise labelling for cheap marketing purposes and call it something else if it doesn't feel or play anything like its namesake?

To paraphrase half the Steam reviews : "Was expecting Wolfenstein. Got a Nazi Borderlands bullet-spongy grind-fest with endless respawning enemies, childish writing, game-breaking bugs and micro-transactions..." Likewise when the best character writing and voice actor is "the mute guy from the opening cutscene", well...
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For new games sure, but it's not so clear cut in the context of an established franchise. Too many times we keep seeing cheap & nasty cash-ins of formerly great single-player franchises. "People shouldn't criticise Deus Ex: The Fall for not being a proper Deus Ex game. The game has always been positioned as a 'mobilized' experience". Then how about don't abuse franchise labelling for cheap marketing purposes and call it something else if it doesn't feel or play anything like its namesake?

To paraphrase half the Steam reviews : "Was expecting Wolfenstein. Got a Nazi Borderlands bullet-spongy grind-fest with endless respawning enemies, childish writing, game-breaking bugs and micro-transactions..." Likewise when the best character writing and voice actor is "the mute guy from the opening cutscene", well...
This isn't a proper entry in the series, it's more like an expansion pack. It's a $30 game ( I paid $32 for the Deluxe which gives you access to the Buddy System). That would be like complaining about Wolfenstein Cyberpilot because you need a VR headset. They can play with the formula all they want in these sorts of spinoffs.

I'm also about 4.5 hours in with a friend and we haven't come across any game-breaking bugs. Neither one of us even knew the game had microtransactions, that's how unobtrusive they are. As for bullet sponges in that review, that's how I know that's not a genuine review. Wolfenstein has had bullet-spongey enemies since Wolfenstein 3D (didn't play the first couple). They then had then in New Order, Old Blood and The New Colossus. That's been a part of the franchise since forever.
Definitely utterly mediocre game, but not completely unplayable or miserable. The combat is the redeeming quality, but it is not amazing or ground breaking in any way. Just very solid. If you enjoy mindlessly shooting baddies with no real objective other than that, this game is for you. I enjoyed it and never regret game purchases because Steam makes refunds way too painless for all that nonsense.

It has 1 other redeeming quality actually and that is the gfx to performance ratio. It's not the best looking game, but the gfx definitely qualify as being good and the performance is outstanding.