Presumably this planet has very low gravity because you can jump very high and fall from great heights without injury. I question the ethics of the hero at times. He's an archaeologist visiting a new world and some of the creatures in the earlier levels seem to be minding their own business and merely defending their territory, but he gets points for killing them anyway. The monsters and power-ups are interesting, and the graphics are extremely detailed and shiny.

The music sets the mood well, and there is a reasonable variety of voices. The difficulty level is lower than many platformers, reducing the frustration factor, and the game focuses on exploration and has many secret areas, which is exactly the way I like a game to be. The quality of the graphics, music and exploration remind me of Hocus Pocus. A level summary or completion indicator to let you know when you've found everything would have been nice, but otherwise the game is quite enjoyable by any audience. There are 3 episodes in this game, with only the first episode playable in the shareware version.

  • Episode 1: Beyond Reality
  • Episode 2: The Secret Chamber
  • Episode 3: Xargon's Fury