

The latest consumer electronics, from smart home devices to cool gadgets that are bound to be industry-changing.

fiber fiber optics

Fiber optic researchers showcase speeds 4.5 million times faster than average home broadband

The breakthrough could provide an affordable path to upgrade existing fiber networks
The big picture: The ability to move massive amounts of data as quickly as possible continues to become more critical to our everyday lives. Earlier this month, researchers published the results of an experiment that could help increase transmission speeds exponentially using existing fiber optic infrastructure.
nes nintendo modding with video

This functional NES game doubles as an NES console

A whole new meaning to plug-and-play
Overview: Multi-function NES game cartridges aren't exactly a new concept. In the late 80s, for example, Nintendo released the Action Set bundle in North America which included Super Mario Bros. and Duck Hunt on a single cartridge. Two games on a single cart felt like magic at the time, but what if you could play your entire NES library on a single cart (without ROMs)? That's exactly what one YouTuber recently set out to accomplish.
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